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Saturday, February 27, 2016

Aapke Tare 28 February to 5 March 2016 By JyotishGuru Deepak Kapoor

Weekly Rashi phal by JyotishGuru Deepak Kapoor

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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Aapke Tare 21 to 27 February 2016 by JyotishGuru Deepak Kapoor

Weekly Rashi phal by JyotishGuru Deepak Kapoor

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Monday, February 15, 2016

Aapke Tare
JyotishGuru Deepak Kapoor

Forecasts for February-March 2016

Aries – Your efforts will start giving you results. Your performance will improve as your motivation increases. Don’t annoy anyone towards the end of March 2016. Work and finances need to be protected from obstacles and self created mistakes. Rigidity in any form may not help. Try to understand the other person’s point of view. Financial position will improve but financial decisions require care in March. Work related pressures can be a blessing provided you become more flexible in your approach.
Relationship Tip – Some love relationship is not moving forward the way you expect. Your worries or apprehensions are not as valid. In March you will have to connect with others. Relationships need to be nurtured more from your side. Avoid any disagreement in some emotional relationship.

Taurus – Your personal life circumstances will remain supportive to you in many ways. People for that matter are generally happy with you, even though you may be having some doubts on your mind. In March your financial position will improve further. Auspiciousness of this period will improve with your positive outlook. You have tremendous ability and it must be put to right use.
Relationship Tip  Emotions are strong on your mind. Family linkages will improve further in March. You will be able to achieve peace and happiness in home and family. In some love relationship however lot of care is needed towards end of March. Any lack of trust will have to be avoided.

Gemini – This is a period to work hard and achieve. In February you may be stressed and also irregular in your efforts. In March the circumstances will start improving for you. Plan for your finances more effectively, especially if any liabilities have to be repaid. Avoid disputes in March as they may not be in your interest in any manner. Believe in yourself and work hard towards your goals.
Relationship Tip – You are not getting along with others as well as you want. Even in home and family there may be disagreements. In March you will be more at peace. Existing issues of the present may be resolved. Look forward to positive developments in some love relationship as well.

Cancer – This is a weak period where you have to be careful for what you speak or convey. Disagreements can lead to lack of trust. In March however situation will improve. Your career can strengthen in March as your performance will improve further. Challenges will have to be met. Take adequate care for your finances during this period.
Relationship Tip – Your present issues are persisting for a long time but expect resolution of your problems from March onwards. It may be a step in the right direction. Routine issues of day-to-day nature should not be allowed to aggravate. Relationships in home and family require adequate care to avoid differences.

Leo – You are becoming too critical in your thoughts to find fault in others. That is why people may not be as happy with you. Unstable thoughts will have to be avoided. Your efforts need to be improved. Finances also need adequate planning. Take decisions carefully. Finances need to be protected.
Relationship Tip – There are ups and downs of your thoughts at this moment. Avoid having any lack of trust for others. Peace in home and family will improve in March. Disagreements with others especially on account of money will have to be avoided. If you wish to take some love relationship forward then circumstances will gradually improve to give you the accomplishment of your desires.

Virgo – Present issues in career are well indicated. You can work hard and prove yourself. As a result career matters can progress well. Financial issues will require precaution and protection. Losses can lead to disagreements. Don’t say anything which may lead to misunderstandings.
Relationship Tip – In February you are able to connect with others very well, for that reason some love relationship is strong on your mind. Still some people of importance may not be favorably inclined towards you. Especially in March avoid creating those psychological conflicts on your mind.

Libra – In February you may be trying to understand others very well, but in March that pattern shows weaknesses. Don’t, as a result, let your financial position get weakened. Your potential to improve your prosperity is immense. From March gradually that factor will start helping you.
Relationship Tip – Trust is the key to warmth in relationships. You will have to remember that. In March your involvement will increase. You will be able to communicate well although a bit forcibly. Try to be more caring towards others especially in what you speak. As a result some love relationship will improve.

Scorpio – You have a practical and professional approach towards life but you are still not able to plan as effectively. There is some aggressiveness and wastefulness at the moment but gradually your self-confidence will improve further. Your performance will remain stable in professional career as well. Financial situation will also improve.
Relationship Tip – Relationships are there on your mind but you are still not able to connect with others. From March your outlook will become positive and more pointed. Some love relationship therefore needs better involvement from your side, even though there may be lots of ups and downs from the other side. Have trust in others if you want this happiness in life.

Sagittarius – Circumstances are helping you to be positive in your life but you are still not as focused as you should be. Lack of trust for your own abilities will not help. Financial inflows will be stable but you have to improve your savings. Wastages therefore will have to be avoided.
Relationship Tip – You have a committed sense of involvement in relationships. But in March that commitment seems to get into difficulties. Don’t create distance with others. Don’t be too aggressive in your thoughts. Try to communicate and convey your thoughts with humility. That will help.

Capricorn – The month of February shows several obstacles, yet you have luck on your side and nothing will go wrong. Don’t take any kind of risk. Financial carefulness is as such needed. Your overall financial position will improve from March. Involvement in your work is your strength at the moment.
Relationship Tip – Your focus towards some love relationship will remain positive but elders in home and family may have changing thoughts. You will benefit if you listen to your elders. As such they may understand you more from March onwards. Have a practical approach towards others.

Aquarius – People are trying to understand you and connect with you, as a result you will be able to convey your feelings and connect with them. Professional circumstances will become strong gradually. Some growth and promotion may be expected. Financial flows may show ups and downs but may not be negative. Your overall sense of well being will improve.
Relationship Tip – Your present disagreements will have to be resolved with care. In March some love relationship will prosper the way you expect. Your inclination to be good to others will also improve. Take the blessings of your elders to take your thoughts forward, they will understand you.

Pisces – The present circumstances shows conflicts and lack of trust but gradually this situation will improve to give you a better focus. Career matters will require patience. In February don’t put your money into any kind of risk. Financial matters will strengthen from March onwards. Don’t let your efforts become directionless. Be more focused.
Relationship Tip – You are very emotional and caring towards others. That does not mean that you find fault in others. Relationships in home and family require adequate care in this period. Be good to others. Any harsh words can cause harm in your emotional relationship.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Aapke Tare 14 to 20 February 2016 by JyotishGuru Deepak Kapoor

Weekly Rashi phal by JyotishGuru Deepak Kapoor

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Monday, February 8, 2016

Learn Prashna
JyotishGuru Deepak Kapoor
(Advanced course in Prashna – Prior knowledge of Astrology required)

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Sunday, February 7, 2016

7 to 13 February 2016 Weekly Rashiphal By JyotishGuru Deepak Kapoor

Weekly Rashi phal by JyotishGuru Deepak Kapoor

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