Consult Jyotishguru Deepak Kapoor

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Jyotishguru Deepak Kapoor

at Gurgaon

Call 9868463900

Sunday, November 22, 2020

A new book on Astrology written by Jyotishguru Deepak Kapoor

Any field of knowledge requires experience and expertise and that can come with proper guidance and a lot of patience. The new book by Deepak Kapoor, “The fundamentals of Varshphal and advanced predictive techniques” is a perfect guide to master this fascinating subject. It is written lucidly and arranged properly. The fundamentals are explained so well that the entire scheme of astrology unfolds beautifully. If the foundation is strong, then learning the advanced concepts becomes a breeze. This book will immensely benefit the students as well as the advanced learners of astrology to master the technique of varshphal.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

A landmark work on Varshphal or Annual horoscopes 
by world-renowned astrologer Deepak Kapoor
 A book that explains the fundaments of varshphal 
and takes you to the level of advanced predictive techniques 
in a step-by-step manner
Many research-based concepts have been added 
that shows the knowledge of varshphal in a new light 
Astrological classics can show the path 
but modern perspective gives it a definite direction
This book fulfills that purpose 
The ups and downs of Abraham Lincoln's life 
are elaborately covered 
in this book through his various varsh charts

A must-have book for any astrologer to master this fascinating subject
The book will be available on from 22nd November 2020

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

For personal appointment


Jyotishguru Deepak Kapoor

Call 9868463900