30th November 2007, Vedic Astrology Forecasts, Rashi Phal
You are too forceful, that gives conflicts for you, any property matter may have hidden issues, there are obstacles which are problematic, take care
Your positive thinking gives financial and property related gains, even children are doing well with your involvement and care, gains from home family and property are indicated for you
Finances stable but avoid any dispute, there is no need to enter into controversial topics, you efforts are unstable and that annoys your boss also
Your relationships need to be assessed as to what you really want out of it, your thoughts are not for any long term bond, if your desires are not serious then don’t get into this, this may give pain only
Your focus for prosperity is very good, God is kind in this thought and your desires will be fulfilled, gains from sale and purchase of property can be there but careful planning is required
Change movement transfer in job indicated, you are keen for such a change, but there can be hidden obstacles hence take a decision by proper planning only, lucky financial inflows are there to give you happiness
Career stable, finances give happiness, still dissatisfaction because you are erratic in your decisions, it is a kind of false self confidence, this can spoil this goodness of these favorable times
Auspicious period for career and finances, but routine matters bother you, these are kind of self created issues or obstacles, you have to control them
You are worried for the continuity of career or profession, this is purely psychological thinking of uneasiness in which you are worried, there is no truth in that, nothing will upset your career even after your marriage, rest assured
Marital conflicts need to be controlled, they may be minor issues but they must be controlled right in the beginning, more so if any issue is connected with finances, have faith and trust in others
Health related issues may bother you, even relationships may be under stress, lot of care is needed to control these negative influences, financial gains from business are well indicated
Weak period, differences of opinion on account of small issue may become big unless handled now, business partners also need to be handled with care because with booming business, partners may not agree with you