Monday 27th July 2009, Vedic Astrology Forecasts, Rashi Phal
Many things may be stable but you are creating distress within your own people, for that reason there can be disputes within the family which you need to protect
Day special – the issues at this stage may be minor and not requiring any big decisions, but still you cannot ignore these issues as they have the propensity to get complicated, hence don’t neglect that
Your own hard work can bring enormous gains to you if you are trying to gain knowledge and study well, for that reason your focus is remarkable and you should improve your writing abilities also
Do – you have to understand that you can get excellent support in your efforts at this stage, not only your family supportive to you but your well wishers are also helping you at this stage
Don’t – don’t underestimate the goodness of this period in the form of financial prosperity, in your efforts to get ahead this financial stability will also prove to be helpful and supportive, don’t ignore that
If you are trying to invest some money in home or property then this period can be favorable for you, you will have to plan well and then you will realize that everything is ion order
Day special – while doing so you should not have unnecessary apprehensions on your mind, but more importantly you should not speak harshly to anyone as that can go against you
Your own hard work will bring enormous gains to you at this stage, you will also realize that your own focus is establishing you very well in life
Do – your efforts at this stage are also linked to certain wasteful expenses at this stage, that is reducing your financial stability to some extent, protect yourself from that
Don’t – don’t ignore the fact that you have excellent writing abilities and you must try to focus on that, even in your work you must use those abilities, as that can make your destiny
This is a gainful period and this is a losing period, whatever gains you make can be lost, your carelessness is the reason fro that at this stage
Day special – lot of planning is required to protect your interests, you have to understand that any weakness in that will create losses for you and someone may also cheat you side by side, protect yourself from that
Gains are indicated in many ways, your work and you hard work both are giving you the prosperity and the right direction
Do – gains from your work are there because you are motivated in that direction, your own work is actually making this period very lucky for you and that is the goodness which you carry
Don’t – don’t let differences of opinion appear as that is the indirect cause for losses for you at this stage, but as far as relationships are concerned that care is more important, don’t go wrong on that
You are highly motivated to bring about major changes in your career, but you have to understand that if it is a business plan then that will require a lot of investment and that will indirectly be a situation of loss
Day special – you are depending on luck and luck is supporting you, for that it is a stable period, but unnecessarily making yourself psychologically stressed for changes is also not required
Very lucky period as financial gains are associated with that luck factor, for that largely you have worked and you have progressed, god is kind to you in that manner
Do – your focus is such that you have to be helpful to others, that will indirectly support you and be helpful to you in life, overall God is kind to you in many ways
Don’t – don’t let any kind of stress come into you marital life, that can be avoided and that must be avoided, don’t go wrong on that
Professional stress can be there as you have ignored the routine kind of issues at this stage, psychologically also you need to be more at peace and that will make the situation stable
Day special – your own ups and downs of performance is the cause for weakness at this stage, God may be kind in many ways but that is dependent on your own effort and not otherwise
Very lucky period for the relationships to be stable, especially in family or marital relations God is kind but carefulness is still required,
Do – in marital relationship some pressures can be there which you must take care, but routinely I think that there is protection despite differences
Don’t – don’t therefore neglect that factor that your own attitude should be positive, don’t let any negativity come in that as you will not be able to control these issues
Stress and conflicts are indicted, you are supportive to others and that will protect the situation to some extent but largely the stress will be there
Day special – I can see that psychologically more stressed than what is required, that is complicating the matters further, don’t let that happen
Some love relationship is vibrant and you are able to draw a lot of happiness from that, but your own negativity has to be controlled,
Do – if you involve with people then only your relationships will be stable, otherwise your unnecessary critical nature will spoil that stability
Don’t – don’t have lack of trust in some love relationship otherwise it will bring unnecessary stress , you have trust yourself and also trust others, don’t go wrong on that
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