Monday 26 March 2012, Vedic Astrology Forecasts, Rashi Phal
Mesh – Your dependence on others is going to be helpful, because you will get the appreciation from others and support from others.
Do – Personal life issues are therefore are very well placed and can give you happiness, and this is on account of the fact that you are also caring for your loved ones from your side.
Don’t – Don’t still cause wastages for yourself in an effort to please others, that is not really required.
Vrishabh – Health related issues can be bothersome as you are neglecting them, to that extent it is very essential that you take additional care from your side and not complicate your issues.
Do – Travels or changes may be there on your mind and far off linkages are getting activated, to that extent lot of careful planning is definitely needed.
Don’t – Don’t on account of these get into disagreements with others, because the reasons for those patterns are such that you are at fault.
Mithun – Some love relationship is supportive and happy, financial position is also such which will make you satisfied.
Do – This is a motivating period in which you will be able to work hard, and to that extent your work will further grow as a result of your own involvement.
Don’t – Don’t still forget that some love relationship may have its own share of pressures and problems, especially where trust is needed you may have to create that trust from side.
Karka – Personal life issues are well placed and motivating towards your other areas of life also, so much so that the rewards from work will also grow as a result of this goodness.
Do – Luck is helping you and favoring you, you will be able to even arrange for your funds the way you want as a result your own commitment which is remarkable.
Don’t – Don't forget that personal life issues are such which requires regularity, even in handling your problems and obstacles you have to show that regularity and prove that there is no deficiency from your side.
Simha – Your efforts are going to work wonders for you, so much so that your work will grow and will improve the way you expect.
Do – Luck is playing its positive role for you in many ways, and that is why this auspiciousness is available to you especially on the work front.
Don’t – Don’t still expect any big financial rewards to follow, there are still certain mistakes of carelessness which you are making from your side.
Kanya – Your savings are at risk and that is where the problems lies, you may be risking your money on day-to-day basis which is not right.
Do – Professional matters need lot of care as there are deficiencies in that, and especially if you are looking at big changes then you have to be all the more careful.
Don’t – Don’t at the same time forget that your psychological make up must remain very positive, if you remain apprehensive from your side then you are creating upsets also side by side.
Tula – You are caring for others wholeheartedly and that is a positive situation which you are creating around you, so much so that your friends and well-wishers will also have a positive view about you.
Do – Taking financial decisions in a manner to improve your situation is remarkable, especially in terms of planning of funds this can be favorable.
Don’t – Don’t at the same time forget that there are many hidden issues which have to be addressed, and that is only possible if you speak to others and convey your thoughts from your side.
Vrishchik – Wastages are continuing and you are not able to understand that, and the problem also lies in this manner where these pressures may actually remain.
Do – Funds will have to be arranged in such a manner that borrowings do not increase, that is why a lot of careful planning is needed at this stage.
Don’t – Don't forget that financially this is a weak period, and on top of it your expenses or your commitments are generally very high, a lot of careful balance is needed in these two things.
Dhanu – Funds are needed for your loved ones, and to that extent your positive outlook will help you immensely.
Do – This is a favorable and auspicious period in many ways, but still any impulsiveness in terms of your expenses must be protected.
Don’t – Don’t at the same time forget that disagreements with your loved ones must be avoided, that is on account of the fact that you are committed and that is why your expectations are high.
Makar – Work is important and your knowledge and skills are important, and you have that motivation generally which is remarkable from your side.
Do – While you have the ability to work hard there are deficiencies as far as your involvement or your talents are concerned, also if any creativity is needed then you will have to involve all the more.
Don’t – Don’t at the same time plan for any major changes at this stage, you must maintain that flow of involvement which is very much essential at this stage.
Kumbh – Luck is helping you to work hard and to maintain your motivation, you have the ability and you are putting it to right use.
Do – There are deficiencies in your knowledge which will be addressed if you study well, and that is why you have to depend on your own hard work rather than the help of others.
Don’t – Don’t also forget that there is some amount of irregularity in your efforts as far as your work is concerned, and that must be addressed as the success lies in maintaining regularity from your side.
Meena – Upset and obstacles can be there for which you have to take extra care, even in handling your finances this extra care is very much needed.
Do – If you protect your expenses or avoid any wastages then you can actually bring about lot of goodness for yourself, but the weakness of this period only lies in your wastages which you are not able to control.
Don’t – Don't forget that some love relationship can also be strong on your mind, and on account of that your wastages are as such getting out of hand.
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