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Jyotishguru Deepak Kapoor

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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Sunday 17th March 2013, Vedic Astrology Forecast, Rashi Phal, Weekly

Mesh – Your actions are such that it is becoming more and more difficult to handle relationships, that is why whatever you are speaking is not being understood properly.
Do – You have to maintain a lot of goodness from your side, money is not the sole criteria to take your life forward.
Don’t – Don’t forget that there can be hindrances even in your performance, everything may seem to be alright but there are hidden pressures which you may have to face.

Vrishabh – Gains are possible from many sources and that is a blessing, your loved ones are ever supportive towards you at this stage.
Do – Still there is a pattern to understand that your own efforts need to be very strong, and that is the goodness with which a lot of possibilities may emerge.
Don’t – Don’t forget that the involvement in your work is giving you everything, even to the extent that your disciplined involvement in your work is the key to your success.

Mithun – Work is important and therefore you have to do a lot, especially in taking some business proposal forward there may be many challenges to face.
Do – Financial aspect needs to be handled very carefully, out of your own forcefulness you should not create any setback in a manner that you are not able to handle it.
Don’t – Don’t forget that relationships are generally stable although there are ups and downs in it, and that is the reason that you have to remain very mild in whatever you are trying to convey to others.

Karka – Luck is helping you and supporting you immensely, even in terms of financial rewards this can be a good period.
Do – Still there is a risk that you are putting your money into difficulty and that is not proper, you have to watch step which you take because there are inherent risks involved.
Don’t – Don’t forget that peace is to be maintained in personal life also, anything which disturbs the happiness of your home and family is not desired.

Simha – You are becoming too critical from your own side and that is the root cause of the problem, that is the reason that they may be self-created mistakes only.
Do – Lot of carefulness is needed in personal life so that circumstances do not get complicated, you must therefore try and understand that what should be the priority of this period. There is a pattern to suggest that your opportunities can improve, but for that you will have to associate with others from your side.
Don’t – Don't show any instability of your thoughts or actions at this stage, taking one step forward and two steps backwards at this stage is not advisable.

Kanya – This is a weak period as many pressures and problems can be there, whatever seems to be strong and stable may not be as supportive as you expect.
Do – Money is not the only criteria at this stage, you have to understand that whatever money is there can even be wasted unless you are careful.
Don’t – Don’t therefore ignore the support which you can get from your loved ones, they can create a sense of protection for you which is the essential requirement of this period.

Tula – Money may be there but money needs to be handled carefully, if money has to be repaid then that should also be the priority.
Do – Work related pressures can be there, but this is more in the form of challenges that you may have to face.
Don’t – Don’t forget that whatever steps you are taking towards relationships may have ups and downs in it, but those ups and downs are created in your mind and that is why you are thinking like that, indirectly this period is pressurizing on many fronts.

Vrishchik – Work is important and your involvement in work requires greater input, for that reason you may have to look at the bigger options which may be available to you.
Do – Luck may be trying to play its positive role provided you are prepared for it, but that does not mean that you put your circumstances into any kind of risk.
Don’t – Don’t forget that personal life issues continue to be pressurizing, you have to take all kinds of steps to avoid any upset in any manner.

Dhanu – Luck is helping you and favoring you to find happiness in your personal life, and that is the reason that you have to remain very positive but very humble from your side.
Do – Your rigidness and your forcefulness is the cause of problems at this stage, psychologically you need to slow down a bit to understand this factor.
Don’t – Don’t forget that the motivation of this period can come through pressures also, but the fact still remains that your partner is with you even though there may be ups and downs in that respect.

Makar – Money may be put into some kind of risk or difficulty unless you are careful, and hence you have to understand the need to assess your situation very carefully.
Do – Lot of pragmatism is required to handle your affairs, whether in the form of any impulsive thought or any impulsive action you have to protect yourself.
Don’t – Don’t forget that someone may be away in some love relationship, and that is the reason that you want to bridge that distance and come closer to the one for whom you care. Don’t therefore ignore the forces of relationships in any manner, you are blessed that circumstances are trying to help you.

Kumbh – Partnerships are highlighted and if there is any such thought then you have to consider it favorably, the goodness of this period therefore reflects that you can be helpful to others and get that help in return.
Do – Overall pattern of goodness is intact and this is a favorable period in many ways, you need to therefore understand this goodness so that you are able to invest properly.
Don’t – Don't ignore the fact that routine types of issues will continue to remain, but that is not going to be a hindrance in any manner as far as relationship angle is concerned.

Meena – Luck may be favoring you and yet there may be difficulties which you may have to face, hence there are many mixed influences which you are going through.
Do – You have the ability but you are not able to use it properly, that is another factor where there is a directionless effort from your side.
Don’t – Don’t create a situation where you move away from your loved ones, that is why any kind of travel or change must therefore be done with that background in mind.

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