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Monday, June 17, 2013

Tuesday 18th June 2013, Vedic Astrology Forecasts, Rashi Phal

Mesh – Carrying stress on your mind is never going to help, it can impact the flow of your circumstances negatively.
Do – There can be interlinkages of this period to health related concerns, hence you have to be careful not only for yourself but also for your loved ones.
Don’t – Don’t forget that travels or changes which you want to have at this stage may have financial pressures attached to it, hence a lot of careful financial planning is needed.

Vrishabh – Your efforts are positive and making you work hard, that is the reason that whatever you are doing at the moment is going to benefit you immensely.
Do – Relationships are vibrant and whatever you are conveying to others will be appreciated, hence you have to showcase this ability and goodness towards others.
Don’t – Don’t forget that financial aspect is stable but needs cared, you cannot put your money into any kind of risk at this stage.

Mithun – Home and family is important and you will do everything to please others, that may include some investment or your desire to give gifts to others.
Do – Your self confidence is high and will benefit you immensely, as a result you will realize that people are also trying to help you and support you in the process.
Don’t – Don’t forget that work related situation is also going to improve, your partners or well-wishers will be with you at every step to guide you in the right direction.

Karka – Your efforts are there but a bit directionless, you need to understand that thinking of diverse and invalid situations is not going to help.
Do – Wastages can get created as a result of the diverse thoughts which you carry on your mind, you are not able to even safeguard your savings in the process.
Don’t – Don’t therefore plan for any big change of place or change of circumstances, as such don’t annoy anyone as it can harm you only in the process.

Simha – Financial aspect is strong and stable on your mind and you are happy with that, your savings are also growing and overall prosperity is intact.
Do – There is still a fear that you are becoming a bit too impulsive in taking decisions, and that can negatively impact on many things including putting your money into some kind of risk.
Don’t – Don’t forget that your friends and well-wishers are with you and guiding you, but there will be hindrances which you have on your mind and which is not giving you enough trust for others.

Kanya – Financial prosperity is indicated but the best indication is towards your work, you have that strength in you that you can achieve a lot.
Do – There is a period of auspiciousness in many ways, and the best indication is that you will get the help of others in taking your thoughts forward and executing your plans.
Don’t – Don’t still make any plans for taking any major steps forward, it may be advisable to maintain the stability of this period which is very well indicated.

Tula – Professional circumstances need to be kept stable and happy, you have that goodness to even look at alternatives in a very careful manner.
Do – Luck is favoring you and helping you immensely, as a result you may be very pointed in your thoughts to take the right decision.
Don’t – Don’t forget that whatever effort you make will be beneficial, but in the process you must not make others unhappy in any manner.

Vrishchik – Luck is favoring you and supporting you immensely, but you are still under that pressure where wastages can get created.
Do – Money will have to be protected and safeguarded, any plan which requires big expense will therefore have to be avoided.
Don’t – Don’t put your money into any kind of risk at this stage, try to understand that peace and stability has to be maintained and that is essential to maintain the stability of your work as well.

Dhanu – Some psychological pressures may be there on your mind with regard to your career, but the circumstances are such that people will help you immensely wherever those pressures exist.
Do – This is a period where you have to maintain a lot of peace on your mind, depending on others and taking help of others is going to be beneficial.
Don’t – Don’t carry unnecessary stress on your mind for your loved ones, you have the goodness and the ability to reach out to others and to connect with others, that factor will eventually help you in the long run.

Makar – Relationship angle is strong on your mind and you are blessed, but routine types of day-to-day issues may continue to bother you and cause stress on your mind unnecessarily.
Do – You have to avoid differences and conflicts at any cost, because minor issues can become bigger and cause upsets.
Don’t – Don’t forget that this is a period also to avoid any kind of big change or big decision, hence some amount of peace is required and you may postpone any such thought from your mind.

Kumbh – Psychological pressures can be there which is not making you happy, wherever circumstances are stable you still trying to find deficiencies in that.
Do – Some love relationship is strong on your mind but there are issues which are not as comfortable, hence you are thinking about negativity all the time which is not right.
Don’t – Don’t forget that you will get adequate support from others in many ways, whether financially or otherwise you can take your thoughts forward by associating with others.

Meena – Some love relationship is strong on your mind and you want to take it forward, even to the extent that your loved ones are helping you and supporting you to convey this goodness to others.
Do – Overall pattern of personal life happiness is intact, and that is where the strength of this period lies as you are able to draw that happiness which is very much essential.
Don’t – Don’t forget that in personal life issues you have to understand many things, nothing can be as smooth as you think and therefore those minor day-to-day issues will have to be handled from your side, and it may not be very difficult to do so.

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