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Jyotishguru Deepak Kapoor

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Sunday, December 9, 2012

Monday 10th December 2012, Vedic Astrology Forecast, Rashi Phal

Mesh – If you have dissatisfactions with regard to your partners or relationships then you are bound to get into difficulties, that is why you need to have a lot of trust in others.
Do – Even in some love relationship if there are disagreements then it can lead to problems, to protect a relationship at this stage can be a bigger challenge.
Don’t – Don’t forget that generally you have people around you whom you can trust, and that is why your own thinking needs to be improved in this manner, only then peace and happiness can prevail.

Vrishabh – If there are any confusion with regard to investigations or treatment on health then that is a bigger factor to understand, and on account of that you have to possibly understand that health cannot be neglected.
Do – As such this is a period in which health related issues will be resolved very soon, there is no great need for worry but at the same time clarity or understanding of things is more important.
Don’t – Don’t forget that you have the ability as well as the desire to work hard, but somehow your diversions of mind are not letting that goodness appear in that manner, for that you will have to change your own approach.

Mithun – Some love relationship may seem to be very strong, but your own sense of disillusionment can prevail which is not looking good.
Do – Overall pattern therefore needs to be understood, disagreements will have to be avoided at any cost, even where everything is alright you still have to make it better.
Don’t – Don’t carry any critical attitude in finding fault in others on your mind, that is never helpful as that can lead to bigger problems and bigger upsets in the process.

Karka – Your loved ones are supporting you in whatever you are trying to do, but you are yourself dissatisfied or undecided as to which path to take.
Do – Listen to what your heart says, and you will realize that the path is clearer, and that will help you to overcome any anxiety also in the process.
Don’t – Don’t forget that there is need to understand your partners or well-wishers also at the same time, these are mixed influences where something may look good and many other things may not look as good, that is why the voice of your heart has to be heard.

Simha – You may think you are doing very well in terms of your efforts and hard work, but others may not be appreciating it as much and they may have lack of trust for you.
Do – Any kind of change at this stage therefore will have to be undertaken with care, even where you want to come closer and bridge that distance you may still have pressures on your mind.
Don’t – Don’t forget that problems are there and will have to be handled, and those very pressures of life can reduce the goodness of your involvement also as I can see.

Kanya – You are not able to trust your own strengths and abilities, and that is why this period is a bit directionless in which others are also not able to appreciate your goodness.
Do – Financial aspect is very well placed and there is no problem, you have the ability and that is something which you must trust.
Don’t – Don’t let a situation of discussions lead to problems, you may be having good intensions but the circumstances are not as well placed.

Tula – Your dissatisfactions about money are on account of your own mistakes, you are not able to plan effectively and that leads to bigger problems.
Do – Try to understand and appreciate your strengths, you have the ability and you can accomplish a lot, then why you are carrying this anxiety on your mind.
Don’t – Don’t say anything to anyone which is hurtful, even where you do not mean any harm your statement may be misunderstood.

Vrishchik – Work related situation may be strong but you are not happy, your expectations are bigger and that is why every step seems to be a hindrance.
Do – This is also a period where your expenses are likely to be high, that is the reason that you have to work really hard and have trust in yourself.
Don’t – Don’t ignore the opportunities which are coming up before you, you may consider them by planning effectively so that you are able gain from those factors.

Dhanu – Overall pattern may be stable and supportive but relationships will have to be handled very carefully, especially where you have some lack of trust for others you can go wrong in handling your situation.
Do – Your communication has to be very strong and pointed, and it must have that politeness and humility towards others which is very essential.
Don’t – Don’t move in any unplanned manner especially with regard to your money, where money situation is stable you still have to take adequate care from your side.

Makar – Work related situation is strong and stable, but rewards are not stable as much as you expect.
Do – Not only your wastages are increasing but your dissatisfactions with regard to your rewards are also increasing, that is where you may have to understand the reasons behind these deficiencies.
Don’t – Don’t forget that an involvement of very high order is needed in your work at this stage, only then you will be able to get that bigger success which you want.

Kumbh – You may not be as satisfied with your work as it is needed, but there is no real cause for concern in my view as these factors of pressures are made up in your mind.
Do – Luck is favoring you and helping you immensely, even where your dissatisfactions are there you are able to handle them very well.
Don’t – Don’t plan for any big change where there are disagreements, you will have to take others along and then take that next step.

Meena – You may get into misunderstandings with people who are important, that may include your boss as well and therefore lot of peace is required.
Do – Becoming aggressive is not going to help, there are obstacles and you will have to understand them very carefully from your side.
Don’t – Don’t have any unstable thoughts on your mind where you are not able to trust others, it is still better to communicate and resolve those differences which have been continued.

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