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Jyotishguru Deepak Kapoor

at Gurgaon

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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sunday 16th February 2014, Vedic Astrology Forecasts, Rashi Phal, Weekly

Mesh – Relationships mean a lot to you and your friends and well-wishers are with you, and yet you are not able to trust them at the moment.
Do – Whatever way you communicate at this moment is going to be helpful, put across your thoughts and discuss your matters with all honesty.
Don’t – Don’t try to find fault in others especially in matters connected with finances, that is why you have to give importance to your performance and your relationships, don’t think of anything else.

Vrishabh – Issues in home and family can get complicated, you are unnecessarily getting drawn into controversies which are not right.
Do – While you have to protect personal relationships you have to focus on your work also, because if you fix your priorities then many of the other problems can get resolved.
Don’t – Don’t create conflicts and issues in your mind, that can kind of negativity is not going to help you in any manner.

Mithun – Some love relationship is important to you and you want to take it forward, that is why your honest thoughts and devotion will definitely help you.
Do – Circumstances are supporting you at the moment and luck is helping you, overall pattern of your goodness therefore is getting reflected.
Don’t – Don't carry unnecessary doubts on your mind with regard to your emotions or relationships, there can be obstacles which are continuing and there can be problems which are there, and yet you have to remain positive in your thought process.

Karka – Whatever you are speaking is leading to some amount of problems or difficulties, that is why problems in personal life are also getting reflected.
Do – Financial aspect will have to be handled very carefully, risking your money at this stage is disastrous and must be avoided.
Don’t – Don’t be unhappy with people and with situations around you, it is a fact that this can be a stressed period but don’t carry those thoughts too far or think more than what is needed.

Simha – Your performance and your efforts can be very strong and supportive, that will lead to enormous goodness in terms of your performance towards your goals.
Do – As far as your work related efforts are concerned you may be facing certain problems, but still you have to think in terms of your involvement, and by doing so your problems will automatically start getting resolved.
Don’t – Don’t have any doubts on your mind with regard to people around you, disagreements is a fact of life which can be there, and yet you have to try and understand them from your side.

Kanya – This is a period to come close to your loved ones and find happiness in your life, by doing so you have to maintain a lot of peace on your mind.
Do – Some favorable investment is possible at this stage, a little bit of effort on that front can lead to favorable rewards.
Don’t – Don't think that your savings are not enough, but at the same time don’t put your money also into any kind of risk as that is not going to help.

Tula – Your positive approach to work hard and to succeed is going to help, as a result your friends and well-wishers are also going to support you enormously.
Do – Not only your involvement will be strong but your relationships will prosper, some love relationship therefore is going to blossom at the moment.
Don’t – Don’t think that circumstances are difficult to handle, taking one step forward at a time can lead to enormous benefit in the long run.

Vrishchik – People may be helping you and supporting you and yet you are not able to safeguard yourself from higher expenses, that is why you have to think of your increasing responsibilities at the moment.
Do – Home and family is important and money is required to fulfill those needs, you must therefore try and understand that bigger fact and take step towards fulfilling your responsibilities.
Don’t – Don’t move in any unplanned manner, don’t also be impulsive in taking any kind of decision as that is not going to help.

Dhanu – Financial aspect is supportive and there is no problem, luck is also helping you in terms of your positive involvement in your work.
Do – The goodness of this period suggest that you have to find happiness around you, circumstances are helping you to achieve that goodness very well.
Don’t – Don’t think negatively about your financial position, ups and downs of life is a reality which will have to be accepted as such.

Makar – Work related situation must be strengthened, but undertaking any change can put you into stress and pressures also which is not right.
Do – Circumstances may help you to get financial gains, but those gains will have to be used and utilized properly to strengthen your situation for future.
Don’t – Don’t carry any dissatisfaction for whatever you are doing, because those pressures only are making you unstable in your thinking.

Kumbh – Luck is favoring you and helping you to achieve better financial gains, and therefore people are also supporting you at every step.
Do – Relationships are becoming stronger and that will help you, you are also able to understand others in such a manner that lot of goodness is appearing from your side.
Don’t – Don’t blame others or blame your luck unnecessarily, people are trying to understand you and help you and that is a blessing.

Meena – Whatever pressures are there can be resolved with your own involvement, but you have to be peaceful in your mind to accomplish that.
Do – Health is an area where some amount of care may be needed, especially the fact that you have to take care for your loved ones is more important.
Don’t – Don’t be unstable in your financial decisions, you must understand fully well as to what you are doing and only then you should take your next step.

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