Consult Jyotishguru Deepak Kapoor

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Jyotishguru Deepak Kapoor

at Gurgaon

Call 9868463900

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Thursday 1st May 2014, Hindu Calendar, Panchang

Shri Vikrami Samvat 2071, Shak samvat 1936
Vaishakh maas
Shukla paksha
Dwitiya tithi upto 11:23, then Tritiya
Brihaspati vaar (Thursday)
Krittika nakshatra upto 10:00, then Rohini
Moon in Vrishabh rashi

Shri Parshuram Jayanti

Thursday 1st May 2014, Vedic Astrology Forecasts, Rashi Phal

मेष बहुत अच्छाई है आपमे लेकिन खुद पे भरोसा नहीं, इसी व्जह से लोगो को खुश नहीं कर पाते.
क्या करें अपने ज्ञान को ओर अपनी मेचुरिटी को इस्तेमाल करें, मेहनत का फल आपको ज़रूर मिलेगा.
क्या ना करें बहुत प्रबलता से किसी बहस में ना पड़े, पैसे को बचानाहोगा, अपना नुकसान ना कहीं कर बैठे.

वृषभ किसी स्थान परिवर्तन से आप परेशानी में आ सकते हैं, खर्चा भी बढ सकता है ओर नुकसान की स्तिथि भी बन सकती है.
क्या करें आसानी से बनने वाले लाभ की उम्मीद ना लगाये, खुद अपनी मेहनत पर भरोसा कर लें.
क्या ना करें कोई एसा फ़ैसला ना करें जिस से आप कठिनाई मे आ जाएँ, रिश्तों को भी इसी वजह से संभालने की ज़रूर्रत है

मिथुन परिवारिक ज़रूरते बढ़ रही हैं ओर आपकी चिंताएँ भी इसे वजह से बड़ी हुई हैं, आप अपनी आर्थिक स्तिथि से खुश नहीं हैं.
क्या करें काम की ओर तवज्जो देनी चाहिए, किसी भी त्रह का बदलाव परेशान हो के नहीं करना चाहिए.
क्या ना करें अपनी मेहनत पर शक बिल्कुल ना करें, अपनी बचत को भी किसी ख़तरे में ना डाले.

कर्क काम काज की स्तिथि में बहुत सारे उतार चढ़ाव हैं, कारोबार में पैसा की भी ज़रूरत पढ़ सकती हैं.
क्या करें निज़ी जीवन में परेशानियाँ हो सकती हैं, फिर भी अपनो से सलाह या मदद ले सकते हैं.
क्या ना करें अपने काम मे या कारोबार में बहुत ज़्यादा पैसा ना लगाए, ये समय मध्यम है खर्चों को या नुकसान को बढ़ने ना दे.

सिंहा किसी तरह के बदलाव को ले के प्रबल विचार हो सकते हैं, फिर भी चिंताएँ घेरे हुए हैं.
क्या करें अपनी परेशानियों को समझे, भाग्या भरोसे चलने से नुकसान हो सकता है.
क्या ना करें अपनी मेहनत को दिशा हीन ना होने दे, आर्थिक स्तिथि ठीक है फिर भी पैसे को बर्दाद ना करें.

कन्या कई छुपी हुई चिंताएँ है मंन में, पर कोई बदलाव इस समय सुखद नहीं हो सकता.
क्या करें किसी भी परिवर्तन से पहले अपनी स्तिथि को परख ले, जल्दबाज़ी ठीक नहीं है.
क्या ना करें पैसे की स्तिथि ठीक होने के बावजूद कोई ख़तरा मोल ना ले, किसी को भी नाराज़ करने से हानि हो सकती है.

तुला लोगों पर भरोसा नहीं है, इसी वजह से आपकी परेशानी बड़ी हुई है.
क्या करें लोगो की ग़लती निकालना ठीक नही है, नुकसान को बचाना ज़्यादा ज़रूरी है.
क्या ना करें बहुत ज़्यादा उदारवादी ना बने, उधार ले के चलने से हानि हो सकती है.

वृश्चिक ग़लत फ़हमी बढ़ने का समय है, अपने काम की अच्छाई पर भरोसा करना होगा.
के करें काम काज की कठनाएओ को समझें, लोग आप से खुश नहीं है इसलिए बच के चलना होगा.
क्या ना करें अपने ज्ञान ओर अपनी शामताओ को नज़रअंदाज़ ना करें, ये समय कठिन है ग़लती ना कर बैठे.

धनु भाग्यशाली समय है लेकिन आप खुश फिर भी नहीं है, मानसिक रूप से कुछ तनाव हो सकता है
क्या करें रिश्तों को ओर सुधारना होगा, अपनी अच्छाई को ओर आगे बड़ना होगा, ज़रूर फाय दा मिलेगा.
क्या ना करें किसी भी तरह की तेज़ी में बिल्कुल ना पड़े, बहुत विनम्र हो कर चलेगे तो सब कुछ ठीक रहेगा.

मकर घर परिवार में थोड़ी शांति बनानी होगी, अगर अड़चने है तो उन्हे संभालने की ज़रूरत है.
क्या करें लोग अगर खुश नहीं है तो उन्हे समझे, रिश्तो की अच्छाई आपके लिए बनी रह सकती है.
क्या ना करें अपने काम काज की स्तिथि को बिगड़ने ना दे, किसी भी तरह का उतार चड़ा व ठीक नहीं है.
कुंभ लोग आप के लिए प्रेरणा का स्त्रोत हो सकते हैं, आप की मेहनत इसी वजह से उभर सकती है.
क्या करें अपनी मेहनत को विफल ना जाने दे, दिशा बनाना है ओर अपनी मेहनत को बनाए रखना है.
क्या ना करें घर परिवार में किसी झगड़े में पड़ना ठीक नहीं होगा, खुद शांति बनाए रखें सब कुछ ठीक रहेगा.

मीना आर्थिक स्तिथि बेहतर हो रही है लेकिन फिर भी बहुत परेशानियाँ है, अपनी बचत को थोडा बचाना होगा.
क्या करें अपनी मेहनत पर भरोसा रखें, छुपी हुई अड़चनो को भी समझना पड़ेगा की क्यों परेशानी है.

क्या ना करें घर परिवार में किसी भी तारेह की कलह ठीक नहीं है, शांति बनाना ज़्यादा ज़रूरी है.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Wednesday 30th April 2014, Hindu Calendar, Panchang

Shri Vikrami Samvat 2071, Shak samvat 1936
Vaishakh maas
Shukla paksha
Pratipada tithi upto 11:17, then Dwitiya
Budh vaar (Wednesay)
Bharani nakshatra upto 9:17, then Krittika

Moon in Mesh rashi, enters Vrishabh rashi at 15:25

Wednesday 30th April 2014, Vedic Astrology Forecasts, Rashi Phal

मेष- रिश्तों का विचार बहुत है मंन में, आप किसी संबंध को आगे भी बड़ाना चाह रहे हैं.
क्या करें मेहनत करने का और बात चीत करने का समय है, एसा करते हुए किसी से उलझे नहीं.
क्या ना करें आप के अपने विचारों का भटकाव बहुत है, इसी वजह से उतार चढ़ाव है, किसी से भी उलझाना नहीं.

वृषभ किसी से फासला बढ़ गया है तो आप परेशान हो सकते हैं, अपनो से दूरी भी आपको उलझन में डाल रही है.
क्या करें रिश्तों को संभालना होगा, पैसे को भी बचा के चलना होगा, किसी तरह का नुकसान इस समय ठीक नहीं.
क्या ना करें अपनो से दूरी बाढ़ाए नही, किसी प्रेम संबंध मे बच के चलना होगा, अगर खुद परेशान है तो भी लोगों को समझने की कोशिश करें.

मिथुन - आपकी मेहनत ज़रूर रंग लायगी, स्फलता का समय है, आप बहुत कुछ कर सकते है.
क्या करें घर परिवार मे खुशियाँ बनाए ओर बाँटे, मित्रो से ओर चाहने वालो से हर तरह का सुकून बना रहेगा.
क्या ना करें निज़ी जीवन मे किसी तरह की परेशानी को ना ब्दने दे, अगर विचार नहीं भी मिल रहे तो भी खुद शांत हो जाएँ.

कर्क काम काज में कारोबार मे पैसा लगाने की ज़रूरत पड़ेगी, ऐसा करते हुए खुद अपनी प्रेरणा को जगाना होगा.
क्या करें सफलता का योग बना हुआ है, खुद जितनी मेहनत कर लेंगे उतनी अछाई आपको मिल जाएगी.
क्या ना करें अपनी पड़ाई लिखाई मे उतार चढ़ाव या अस्थिरता ठीक नहीं, नियमित रहेने की ज़रूरत है ताकि आपका भविषय बन जाए.

सिंह बहुत भाग्या शालि समय है, हालात पूरी तरह से आपकी मदद कर रहें है, आर्थिक स्थिती भी सुखद बनी हुई है.
क्या करें बात चीत करें पर बहुत विनम्रता के साथ, कोई भी तीखी बात कही हुई इस समय परेशानी में डाल सकती है.
क्या ना करें घर परिवार मे लोगो को समझने की कोशिश करें, अपने विचार किसी पर थोपे नहीं.

कन्या कुछ नुकसान का समय है इसलिए बच के चलना होगा, जल्दबाज़ी में फ़ैसला न करें नुकसान हो सकता है.
क्या करें मन मे शांति बनानी होगी, तभी आपकी मेहनत फल देगी, हालत मददगार हेँ.
क्या ना करें अड़चने बनी रह सकती है उनपर नज़र रखनी होगी, ग़लती ना करें इस दिशा में और छूट-पुट बातों को लेके खुद को परेशान भी ना करें.

तुला धन का आगमन सुंदर बना हुआ है, कोई कमी नहीं है, आपके दोस्त भी आपके साथ हैं इसी वजह से.
क्या करें क्यूंकी हालात मददगार हैं इसलिए कोई लापरवाही ठीक नही होगी, खुद विनम्र बन जाने से बहुत कुछ संभाला जाएगा.
क्या ना करें किसी भी वजह से अपना नुकसान बदाए नहीं, अगर आपके आस पास के लोगों की वजह से नुकसान बढ़ रहा है तो भी उस पर नज़र रखनी होगी.

वृश्चिक काम काज के शेत्रा में किसी भी तरह का मत भेद ठीक नहीं होगा, इसलिए अपने काम काज से जुड़ी ज़रूरतों को भी समझना होगा आपको.
क्या करें सेहत से जुड़ी समस्याएँ बढ़ सकती है इसलिए थोड़ा सा अपना ख़याल रखना होगा, सेहत की ओर वैसे भी आप ज़रा कम ही ध्यान देते हैं.
क्या ना करें अपनी प्राथमिकताओं को नज़र अंदाज़ बिल्कुल ना करें, पैसा एक ज़रूरी चीज़ हो सकती है लेकिन पैसा ही सब कुछ होता नहीं है.

धनु भाग्यशाली स्थति है क्यूंकी हर तरह से मदद मिल रही है, आपके चाहने वाले, आपके प्रियजन सही रूप से आगे बढ रहें हैं जिस से आपको खुशी ज़रूर मिलेगी.
क्या करें काम काज की ओर ध्‍यान दे, अपने प्रदर्शन को बेहतर करें, आपकी सफलता इसी बात पर निर्भर करती हैं.
क्या ना करें किसी भी तरह का बदलाव बिल्कुल ना करें, अपनी शामताओं को समझते हुए ही कोई अपना कदम आगे बदाए, जल्दबाज़ी ठीक नहीं है.

मकर घर परिवार में मुश्किलों का समय है, कई तरह की बातें साथ साथ चल रही हैं जो आपको दुविधा में डाल रही हैं.
क्या करें छूट पुट बातों को बहुत ज़यादा तूल ना दे, थोडा शांत रहने की ज़रूरत है ताकि कोई परेशानी बड़े नहीं.
क्या ना करें अपने बड़े बूज़र्गो की ज़रूरतों को नज़रअंदाज़ ना करें, कई बिगड़े काम जीवन में आशीर्वाद लेने से बन जाते हैं.

कुंभ घर परिवार में या शादीशुदा जीवन मे कुछ तनाव हो सकता है, ध्यान देने की ज़रूरत है, बात चीत करने की ज़रूरत है.
क्या करें कोई प्यार का रिश्ता भी आपके मन पर हावी हो सकता है, उस वजह से भी कुछ काढनाईयाँ उभर रही हैं, थोड़ा सँभल के चलना होगा.
क्या ना करें अपने काम काज को नज़र अंदाज़ करना ठीक नहीं होगा, ऐसा कुछ भी ना करें जिस से आपके प्रयास विफल हो जाएँ.

मीना सेहत की और ध्यान देना होगा क्यूंकी आप ध्यान दे नहीं रहे, घर परिवार में अपनो की ज़रूरतों को भी साथ ही साथ समझना होगा.
क्या करें मन से परेशानी को हटाना है, तभी आप अपनो को समझ पाएँगे या अपने विचारों को सही रूप से आगे रख पाएँगे.

क्या ना करें कोई ऐसी बात ना करें जिस से लोग आप के खिलाफ हो जाएँ, अगर मंन मे परेशानी है तो उसे समझें के क्यों ऐसा हो रहा है, तभी बात बनेगी.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Tuesday 29th April 2014, Hindu Calendar, Panchang

Shri Vikrami Samvat 2071, Shak samvat 1936
Vaishakh maas
Krishna paksha
Amavasya upto 11:44, then Vaishakh maas Shukla paksha Pratipada tithi
Mangal vaar (Tuesday)
Ashwini nakshatra upto 9:05, then Bharani
Moon in Mesh rashi

Bhaum amavasya, Surya grahan - Solar eclipse (not visible in India)

Tuesday 29th April 2014, Vedic Astrology Forecasts, Rashi Phal

Mesh – You are inclined to enjoy yourself and even become wasteful in the process, and you are convinced that whatever you are doing is right.
Do – Some love relationship is strong on your mind and you are convinced that this is the way forward, but still you have to avoid certain differences which are shaping up.
Don’t – Don’t get into repeated problems with people around you, ups and downs of your thinking are making you negative.

Vrishabh – Financial aspect is well indicated and there is no problem, but there is some amount of carelessness on your mind which is not right.
Do – You want to strengthen your relationships as you are feeling stressed about them, physical distance is also making you unhappy.
Don’t – Don’t let frustrations of your mind spoil your situation, especially in trying to understand others you have to have some more patience.

Mithun – Changes and alternatives are there on your mind which you are trying to consider aggressively, but you are aware of your strengths and that is an advantage.
Do – If you want to be good to others then you have to avoid problems with others, especially financial differences can spoil relationships.
Don’t – Don’t ignore the strength of your own efforts, by your own hard work you can improve your finances, that will take care of your needs.

Karka – Auspiciousness of this period is making you careless, and therefore there is lack of planning from your side.
Do – On matters connected with property you should not get into problems, clear understanding is needed in whatever you are doing.
Don’t – Don’t doubt your own abilities to progress in life, your studies can help you to make your future.

Simha – Your efforts are strong but directionless, that is why the real advantage is not getting built the way it is needed.
Do – Circumstances are favorable and you must take advantage of that, especially in getting happiness in life this can be a favorable period.
Don’t – Don’t be impulsive in handling your finances, carefulness is needed as the auspiciousness of this period must be protected.

Kanya – Financial aspect is well indicated and you will be able to accomplish a lot, but somehow there are too many thoughts on your mind which are not making you comfortable.
Do – Obstacles are there and pressures are there, the net impact is that there are too many ups and downs of your own efforts.
Don’t – Don’t bring about any major changes which can be avoided, don’t put your money into any kind of risk as it may not be recovered.

Tula – Everything may seem to be stable but health concerns are there, that is why there is need for you to discuss your matters with others.
Do – Partnerships will have to be handled more carefully, trying to influence others with your thinking may not be right.
Don’t – Don’t say anything which may create doubts in the mind of others, because disagreements can lead to financial pressure as well.

Vrishchik – You may be trying to improve relationships but not getting enough success, that is why psychological distress may continue for you.
Do – Financial planning is the priority of this period, people around you may not be able to appreciate your concerns in this regard.
Don’t – Don’t at the same time try to doubt the intensions of others, if you are not happy wait for the better time to come.

Dhanu – Disagreements in personal life can be there, but still the needs of others will have to be met.
Do – Improve your performance, use your knowledge and skills rightly, that will help.
Don’t – Don't try to bring about unnecessary changes in whatever you are doing, because changing your plans repeatedly is not going to help.

Makar – Highly motivating period to do a lot and accomplish a lot, but your efforts must remain very pointed in whatever you are doing.
Do – Financial aspect is well indicated and money will be used properly, but becoming too emotional is possibly not right.
Don’t – Don’t increase your difficulties with people around you, especially if people are not happy with you then you have to be all the more careful.

Kumbh – Gains are possible and financial position will remain stable, circumstances are therefore favoring you immensely.
Do – Work related pressures can make you stressed, and you may start thinking that everything is a problem, that is where the problem is.
Don’t – Don’t ignore the strength of relationships around you, this can be a period of happiness which you can draw as a result.

Meena – Your positive efforts and involvement can be highly beneficial, this is therefore a period of success and accomplishments.
Do – Any kind of lack of trust is not advisable, you have to have faith in you to get the best rewards.
Don’t – Don’t say anything out of frustrations, that will not make others happy towards you.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Monday 28th April 2014, Hindu Calendar, Panchang

Shri Vikrami Samvat 2071, Shak samvat 1936
Vaishakh maas
Krishna paksha
Chaturdashi tithi upto 12:40, then Amavasya
Som vaar (Monday)
Revati nakshatra upto 9:22, then Ashwini
Moon in Meena rashi, enters Mesh rashi at 9:22

Panchak end at 9:22

Monday 28th April 2014, Vedic Astrology Forecasts, Rashi Phal

Mesh – You may have differences with others in the morning, but as the day proceeds you will be more and more stressed.
Do – You must have lot of confidence in yourself and depend on your knowledge and skills, disagreements will automatically be resolved if you show your goodness towards others.
Don’t – Don’t think that people are trying to cheat you or take advantage of you, if you remain stress free then nothing wrong will happen.

Vrishabh – You may be having strong desire for some love relationship in your mind, but as the day progresses you will realize that you are not getting adequate support from others.
Do – Thinking negatively is not going to help, you have to remain optimistic and remain motivated in whatever you are doing.
Don’t – Don’t still create any financial loss for yourself out of carelessness, you have to think of your responsibilities towards your loved ones before taking any big step.

Mithun – You may think that gains are possible but as the day progresses you will not be very happy with those gains, because you will realize that you have to fulfill the needs of others as well.
Do – This is still a good period because you will be able to work hard from your side, that positive outlook will definitely help you to get happiness which you want.
Don’t – Don’t distress your mind in any manner, your abilities can be used and utilized for your advantage.

Karka – You may be very motivated in the morning to work hard and improve your performance, but as the day progresses you will realize that those very gains are not enough and you still have to do a lot.
Do – Money is required to take your work forward, for that reason also lot of careful planning is needed at this stage.
Don’t – Don’t think that everything is wrong, especially in personal life issues many of those problems are getting resolved and that is a blessing.

Simha – You may be stressed in the morning but as the day progresses you will find peace, but still you will have to get that satisfaction out of whatever you are doing at this stage.
Do – Gains are possible in every sense, even from property some financial inflows can be there.
Don’t – Don’t therefore find fault in your circumstances, work related challenges should be considered as a blessing as you can do a lot from your side.

Kanya – This is a period where you may not only make mistakes from your side but also feel stressed on account of those mistakes, you will have to therefore keep a lot of patience on your mind.
Do – Putting your money into any kind of risk is not advantageous, even if you have to fulfill the needs of others you should wait for a while and plan carefully.
Don’t – Don’t ignore the voice of your heart which is trying to tell you so many things, and those hidden thoughts can reveal a lot for this moment.

Tula – You are not feeling the pressure of your wastages but also blaming others for that situation, that is why this period requires lot of carefulness.
Do – Gains will have to be protected at any cost, this is a period which can bring lot of associated pressures for you which you may have to face.
Don’t – Don’t ignore your health as that is another area of concern, especially if there are stomach related issues you have to be all the more careful.

Vrishchik – Financial differences of opinion may be there but they should not be allowed to aggravate, if you maintain peace of mind then many of those problems can be resolved.
Do – Financial restructuring is required because you have to plan carefully, but all that will have to be done by maintaining peace and happiness on your mind.
Don’t – Don’t annoy others in any manner, people as such may not be happy with you and that is the problem of this period.

Dhanu – Circumstances are helping you in some relationship, and yet your stress and pressures are showing despite improvement which you are witnessing.
Do – Your worries for loved ones can increase but there is no need for thinking like that, overall pattern is supportive to give you a direction which is to your advantage.
Don’t – Don’t ignore the fact that you have the ability to handle your circumstances, and for that reason some amount of regularity from your side will definitely help.

Makar – Luck is favoring you to bring peace in your personal life, and yet there are people who may be thinking negatively about you.
Do – Your worries therefore are valid and you have to try and understand these circumstances, if you understand the reasons of your problems then it is easier to resolve them.
Don’t – Don’t ignore the needs of your loved ones, don’t let small issues become bigger in any manner.

Kumbh – Issues of minor nature should not be allowed to aggravate, especially in personal life or in marital life lot of peace is needed.
Do – Lot of trust is to be maintained on your mind, you have to look at a situation where relationships can prosper, that is a blessing.
Don’t – Don’t ignore the fact that gains are possible in every sense, you have to plan very effectively and you will realize that your savings can help you enormously.

Meena – People are trying to help you and support you in every sense, but there are issues of disagreements which are continuing to be there at the moment.
Do – Discuss your matters to convey your thoughts, your goodness must prevail in a manner that your views are appreciated.
Don’t – Don’t get into any heated argument in any manner, your good intensions may also lead to some misunderstandings.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Sunday 27th April 2014, Hindu Calendar, Panchang, Weekly

Shri Vikrami Samvat 2071, Shak samvat 1936
Vaishakh maas
Krishna paksha
Tryodashi tithi upto 14:00, then Chaturdashi
Ravi vaar (Sunday)
Uttar Bhadrapad nakshatra upto 10:02, then Revati
Moon in Meena rashi
Bhadra begins at 14:00 and ends at 25:20, Sun enters Bharani nakshatra at 23:27, Venus enters Meena rashi at 24:40

Fasts fairs and festivals during the week

29 April – Bhaum amavasya, Surya grahan (Not visible in India), 1 May – Shri Parshuram Jayanti, 2 May – Akshay tritiya, Kalpadi tritiya, Treta yugadi tritiya, Shri Matangi Jayanti, Vinayak chaturthi

Sunday 27th April 2014, Vedic Astrology Forecasts, Rashi Phal, Weekly

Mesh – You are distressed because people may be changing their views about you, and for that reason your gains may not remain as pointed.
Do – You must understand that everyone has his or her viewpoint, and people will watch their own interest first before thinking about you.
Don’t – Don’t still move away from your loved ones in any manner, for that matter even travels in any form may have to be avoided.

Vrishabh – This is a period where stress will emerge out of misunderstandings, but you still have to remain pointed in whatever you are doing.
Do – If there are problems in some love relationship then you have to think about it seriously, but the foremost requirement is that you have to maintain trust in your mind.
Don’t – Don’t think about money alone, as such money is required for various reasons, and safeguarding financial position may be difficult.

Mithun – Despite pressures and problems you have to perform and prove yourself, for that reason your work will take priority.
Do – Try to maintain peace in your personal life at any cost, whatever you speak should also be done with that kind of carefulness.
Don’t – Don’t think personal relationships in home and family for the purpose of gains only, you have to do a lot for others for which you have to show your goodness.

Karka – Disagreements are there with people around you, that is why this is a weak period which may not make you happy.
Do – Whatever involvement you can create towards your work can be beneficial, your knowledge therefore will help you in whatever you are trying to do.
Don’t – Don’t show ups and downs of your thinking or your actions in any manner, regularity has to be maintained which can give you success.

Simha – Pressures of your mind can lead to disagreements in your personal life or in your marital life, that is why you have to try and maintain a lot of trust for others.
Do – Whatever alternatives are available before you can be financially rewarding, but you will have to take those decisions with lot of carefulness on your mind.
Don’t – Don’t have any negative thoughts as far as your financial gains are concerned, luck is favoring you immensely on that front and you are blessed.

Kanya – Savings will have to be built step by step, in that your hard work will definitely play a positive role.
Do – There can be hindrances of day-to-day nature, but as long as you maintain your goodness in the eyes of others you will be benefited.
Don’t – Don’t get into differences with your partners or well-wishers, because those very people can prove to be helpful to you and guide you on the right path.

Tula – Auspiciousness of this period can be appreciated by keeping peace on your mind, only then you will be able to improve your performance as well.
Do – Stability is the keyword for this moment, any kind of change can bring its own problems which you must avoid.
Don’t – Don’t look at your professional circumstances in a stressed manner, overall pattern is such that it can benefit you and guide you on the right path.

Vrishchik – Travel or changes may be there on your mind but you may be inclined to change your decisions, as such your thought process itself is not very stable.
Do – You have to understand the need of financial prosperity because you have to do a lot for others, and a little bit of regularity of your efforts can bring you big rewards.
Don’t – Don’t neglect your planning in any manner, your savings will have to be protected for future use.

Dhanu – Your positive efforts can give you gains exactly the way you want, and for that reason you have to try and connect with others from your side.
Do – Work related advantage can be availed at this stage, whatever changes you are trying to bring about must be done with positive outlook from your side.
Don’t – Don’t blame your circumstances in any manner, your abilities will start showing and your career will be made.

Makar – Your involvement in your work should be such that you have trust in yourself, by doing so your hard work will reflect and will give you bigger rewards.
Do – Financial aspect is well indicated and your well-wishers will support you, with that kind of goodness you will be able to achieve a lot.
Don’t – Don’t think about others in any negative manner, because that can lead to those hidden differences and conflicts which may get created.

Kumbh – Circumstances are supporting you and helpful to you, and that is why your knowledge and skills will motivate you further.
Do – Work related pressures will have to be taken as a challenge, if you consider them as hindrances then your direction will be lost.
Don’t – Don’t get into disagreements with your brothers and sisters as well, because even your good intensions may not be understood by others.

Meena – There are many hindrances which are bothering you, and those repeated problems are such that you are not happy.
Do – Your proper and careful planning in personal life can give you bigger gains, but safeguarding your finances will be a bigger requirement.
Don’t – Don’t therefore get into any kind of arguments with others, as such this is a period which can give you immense happiness with your own loved ones.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Saturday 26th April 2014, Hindu Calendar, Panchang

Shri Vikrami Samvat 2071, Shak samvat 1936
Vaishakh maas
Krishna paksha
Dwadashi tithi upto 15:41, then Tryodashi
Shani vaar (Saturday)
Purva Bhadrapad nakshatra upto 11:01, then Uttar Bhadrapad
Moon in Meena rashi

Pradosh vrat