8th January 2008, Vedic Astrology Forecasts, Rashi Phal
Generally auspicious period luck favors you but two areas of weakness, financial pressures can be there and conflicts with business partners can bother you, your own thinking is wavering and not stable
Do – increase your professional knowledge, that will give you stability
Don’t – don’t be upset with financial pressures, they will be removed in the next 15 days
You have a very positive outlook, but you are too sensitive, that causes problems, health issues can also bother you, but basically it is a situation of arguments and differences of opinion
Do – involve with family and spouse, it is required for marital happiness
Don’t – don’t let minor obstacles lead to bigger conflicts, have patience
In any love relationship there is lack of emotion and lack of sincerity, that is why conflicts will appear, career is stable and that is your strength
Do – involve in your relationship, there has to be total involvement
Don’t – don’t be too rigid, you are creating problems for yourself, there are self created mistakes
Auspicious period for family happiness and finances, there is stability but you are worried for some financial disputes in business
Do – resolve any dispute by negotiation, otherwise it can be a long drawn dispute
Don’t – don’t ignore your studies, your focus is getting weak slowly
Very auspicious period in many ways, career is stable, family happiness is intact and God is kind, students are doing very well and that is your strength
Do – seek happiness form some love relationship, it can lead to marriage also
Don’t – don’t let any monetary dispute spoil the goodness of this period
Very lucky period for financial gains, luck is supportive and your hard work can do wonders, but your emotional desires are not in the right direction
Do – involvement in emotional relationship should be with sincerity and not for fulfilling your desires alone
Don’t – don’t take any hasty decision for any change, there can be hidden factor sin that also
Very positive period for financial gains, you wish to improve that with your involvement and hard work, that is very well indicated
Do – consider travels in this period, but any total change of place may not work out
Don’t – don’t look at the immediate gains of your efforts, don’t have doubts on that
Expenses on luxuries are high, that can be an obstacle in itself
Do – maintain your efforts at the present level, don’t let it weaken
Don’t – don’t let routine pressures bother you so much, life is a beautiful picture, try to fill it with colors of joy
Generally stable and auspicious period, take advantage of good times in your career. Work hard and take the appreciation of others
Do – have faith in your own abilities, also have faith on divine blessings
Don’t – don’t spend so much, control your expenses that is not looking good
Very auspicious period for professional gains, but you are a bit dissatisfied, control differences with boss, that can cause problems
Do – work towards improvement of knowledge and skills
Don’t – don’t create tensions in your work your self, don’t be too critical and find fault in everything
Very auspicious period for financial prosperity, your involvement towards work will make your professional role bigger
Do – take help from spouse and business partners
Don’t – don’t have confusions in your mind, you remain dissatisfied despite good times
Some obstacles or pressures but this will not last long, soon you will be out of these problems
Do – try to gain from the support of your family and loved ones, they are very supportive
Don’t – don’t argue with your boss, that can reduce the impact of good times in your profession
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