Tuesday 20 April 2010, Vedic Astrology Forecasts, Rashi Phal
Mesh – You may have remained dissatisfied, but now time is emerging soon when your financial position will improve, luck is favoring you immensely and that is a blessing which you carry
Do – Shed the habits of instability which you carry at this stage, by maintaining focused you can make these good times better
Don’t – Don’t forget that you have the ability and the courage, that will take you vary far and that is the blessing which you carry
Vrish – You have created stress in your own thinking, you have created pressures for yourself on account of that thinking
Day special – Your self-confidence is likely to emerge now, but you will have to trust your own abilities to take your life forward, for that you must speak well to others and convey your thoughts clearly
Mithun – You may not have been happy with people around you, for that reason you wish to get away and move away from your own loved ones
Do – You have to understand and appreciate the goodness in each situation, for that you will have to trust your own abilities which are in abundance,
Don’t – Don’t forget that you can harm your interests by showing anger at this stage, on any matter connected with money your expressions can be unfair towards others, don’t let that happen
Karka – You have carried stress and pressures for a while, now a lot of goodness is appearing especially on financial inflows which will make you rather happy
Day special – While the goodness is appearing fast you will be able to shed your confusions only with passage of time, there is no point in being negative unnecessarily as that will complicate matters further
Simha – You have been uneasy in relationships, but this period is showing you a different path and a better path to follow
Do – A period is emerging which will bring lot of goodness in your work, in whichever work you are involved you will excel and will achieve success
Don’t – Don’t create instability as far as your financial situation is concerned, you need to realize that many things are in place and the circumstances are improving further gradually
Kanya – Home and family issues are abundantly on your mind, you have been distressed for a while but those things are likely to be over soon
Day Special – You are getting into a very lucky period which will prove to be financially advantageous also, on work related matters you will have to create interest and that will help
Tula – You have some lack of trust about your own abilities, whether in the process of working hard or in the form of achieving success in relationships
Do – For that very reason you are becoming too rigid and creating problems for yourself, you will have to change that attitude now
Don’t – Don’t unnecessarily depend on luck as that is not going to help, there may remain unstable rewards for you but it is not something which is adverse
Vrishchik – Financial position is stable but you will have to find satisfaction in it, gradually circumstances are improving in which you will get lot of support from others
Day special – Many changes are likely to appear which may eventually prove to be advantageous, but psychologically you may still have to remain optimistic at this stage
Dhanu – Be happy and try to sweat that happiness, shed those unnecessary apprehensions which you carry at this stage
Do – Financial angle is stable and becoming better, but there are reasons to be careful side by side also
Don’t – Any financial dispute or difference of opinion must be controlled, that is the attitude which you will have to carry and understand for a while
Makar – Stress, losses or wastages will have to be controlled, that can indirectly impact your personal life as well as your health unnecessarily
Day special – Stay calm and have faith in God, many things will be in your control and nothing will be adverse, don’t forget that
Kumbh – You may not be happy about financial position, but a goodness is appearing gradually which will make you very happy
Do – Try to get that happiness in home and family, you will be abundantly benefited with these forces for many days
Don’t – Don’t carry any lack of trust in relationships, that will unnecessarily make you negative,
Meena – You may not be happy with your work related situation, but gradually a lot of motivation is now appearing in your life in which you will actually work hard
Day special – Your personal life issues need to be handled carefully by proper discussions and interaction, you must remember that many things can be resolved to your advantage if you discuss carefully and with peace on your mind
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