10th September 2008, Vedic Astrology Forecasts, Rashi Phal
Some financial disputes or some family issues may crop up, but the overall period is very supportive and you have to proceed with pragmatism
Do – with positive attitude you will be able to resolve the issues, at least it is better to postpone any matter which cannot be resolved at this stage
Don’t – don’t push your ideas at this stage, that may actually lead to your loss only, hence don’t do that at this stage
Very favorable period for some love relationship to give you happiness, you are fully involved and committed in that, but you have to take the approval of your elders also
Day special – generally stable period, there are no real worries on your mind, even in the face of obstacles you are optimistic
Weak period in relationships, there can be stress and differences of opinion
Do – consider your desire and thoughts carefully, you should not have any selfish motives, that is not going to help
Don’t – don’t ignore the fact that your personal life and family support can be happy, even your professional matter will now start shaping up very well for you
You have the ability to convert any weak situation also to your advantage, that is because of your involvement in your personal and professional matters in a favorable manner
Day special – if funds are required for some investments then you are keen to take some loan also, now it will be easy to get that loan
Professional situation is stable, but the rewards from that in the form of monetary inflows is very favorable, your expectations are high and that is a result of your self confidence
Do – maintain this good situation as you are on the right track of inflows, for professional matters you can really work hard and improve your skills
Don’t – don’t look at the options for alternatives for changes, there can be many hidden factors which may not be advantageous to you, hence don’t do that
Stable period for financial prosperity, especially for investment or family needs
Day special – lot of involvement is needed to improve your career also, routine matters are continuing to cause stress, but your goodness will handle it well
Weak period as you are looking at options and alternatives without any valid reason, you may also be interested for travels at this stage and for far off linkages
Do – the present situation is not supportive for any changes in life, your strength lies in your professional focus and that is important
Don’t – don’t yourself push for any changes at this stage, wait for the right opportunity as that is not far away, don’t therefore be impatient
Options alternatives or expenses are all there for you, financial and professional situation is stable like a dream, changes are not required at all
Day special – if you are planning for changes for financial prosperity then it is not required, as such the situation is favorable to give you happiness
Some differences of opinion at your work place may emerge, that needs to be avoided as it is not really required, if it is connected with financial reasons then just ignore it
Do – stay calm and stable, any pressures at work place can aggravate to give upsets, stay away from that
Don’t – don’t be uneasy or dissatisfied with financial situation, it is better to focus on career excellence at this stage, don’t ignore that
Very auspicious period and many things are improving for you now, psychologically it may take a little more time for you to stabilize
Day special – career prospects may be improving slowly, but financial prosperity is improving rapidly, that is a blessing which you should enjoy at this stage
Weak period as luck is not favoring you as much, that is why professional matters are also under some kind of stress
Do – your attitude of being helpful to others will eventually support you; try to do that without any selfish manner
Don’t – don’t try to gain money by cheating any one, as such your financial prosperity is intact
Stable period because obstacles are under control, that gives you time to devote towards your career
Day special – professional matters are improving rapidly now, that can bring the necessary focus in your life, as such your personal life is full of happiness, hence there is no real worry
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