20th September 2008, Vedic Astrology Forecasts, Rashi Phal
Some differences of opinion or conflicts can be there, they can be with friends and relations, they can also be due to financial reasons
Do – conflicts are there because you are creating them, it is better to avoid that as nothing will be achieved, have patience
Don’t – don’t neglect your responsibilities, in professional life you have to fulfill your duties, ignoring that will lead to upsets, don’t do that
Some love relationship is important to you, your devotion towards it is praiseworthy
Day special – your attitude is very firm to achieve and to have your way, you are not prepared to listen to others or your elders, your forcefulness is being reflected in it
Travels or change of place is indicated, you are also worried for someone who is away
Do – actually there is no reason for any worry, all those for whom you are thinking are happy and without problems
Don’t –someone close to you is thinking in terms of money only, that puts you under lot of pressure, but for that reason don’t pick up a fight as that can be unfortunate
You are keen to invest in business and to work hard in life, for that reason you look up to your family for help also
Day special – these are good times to get support and help from others, your own hard work will bring success to you and that will include monetary rewards also
Gains from profession can be very rewarding, now your career is also on the upswing to give you promotion and recognition
Do – your own efforts to improve your speaking abilities will give you excellent results, that is what you should do
Don’t – don’t ignore the importance of your total involvement in your work, that can be the most rewarding fact at this stage of your life, don’t ignore this astrological advice
Expenses losses and outflows can cause differences of opinion, some loved one may be away but return of that person will give you happiness
Day special – prosperous times and favorable times, specially on financial matters nothing can be better than this
Weak period in many ways, financial problems are indicated, wastage and losses are also there
Do – keep lot of patience and protect your self from this situation, more than anything else keep your cool
Don’t –weak periods have to be managed better, don’t lose your temper as that will not solve your problems
Gainful situation from your profession, financial inflows will be there to give you happiness
Day special – luck is favoring you like never before, God is kind in many ways and you have to be thankful for that
Work related distress can be there, work related stress can also be there
Do – despite these upsets lot of stability is also there in your career, nothing will go wrong and that is a divine blessing
Don’t – don’t create too many issues in your mind, you are thinking that someone may cheat you but that may not happen, hence don’t think negatively
Boss may have different opinion about you, your career is stable and your own hard work will give you lot of success
Day special – your abilities and performance will help you immensely at this stage, that is the goodness of this period from which you must take advantage
You may not get support from others at this stage, that may make you a little fearful and uneasy, but psychologically you are very strong to face any kind of upset
Do – protect your professional interests as they need lot of care
Don’t – don’t be worried about your personal life and family happiness, that is intact and there is no problem in that
Some differences of opinion in marital life are bound to be there, you are being too rigid in your attitude and that is increasing these problems
Day special – this is an area which requires lot of care, you have to find time for your family and marriage, that is precisely not what you are doing
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