13th September 2008, Vedic Astrology Forecasts, Rashi Phal
You have some financial issues on your mind, in fact you are creating those issues which are not required, as such financial position is stable but you have differences of opinion
Day special – Largely you are coming out of those confusions now, as the day progresses the situation becomes better, hence everything is in control
You are thinking of some change connected with your career, you wish that your abilities should be recognized better, that is a positive thought
Do – as an astrological guidance also you have to look at the angle of the emergence of your abilities in any professional decisions, that can be the right path for you in terms of decision making
Don’t – don’t get distressed on account of some far off distances in some love relationship, this is a minor issue which you will handle amicably
Money may be required for investment, even for home family or property there can be needs for that, you are inclined to take some loan also for that
Day special – this is a favorable situation and you will be happy with your decisions, your happiness is intact and that is giving you the stability and auspiciousness which is required
Despite everything being stable you are a little worried, there have been thoughts of negativity on your mind whereas nothing is adverse, some travels or far off linkages are indicated
Do – in your profession constant involvement and commitment is required, that will give you the fulfillment of your dreams
Don’t – don’t makeup issues on your mind as there is no reason for that, as such every thing is stable and god is kind in many ways
Very auspicious period to give you stability and prosperity, your self confidence will help you in this, lucky period to give you financial gains also
Day special – involve with others and help others, that will give you the internal strength to move forward in life, avoid differences with spouse
There can be many obstacles which may cause psychological unrest on your mind, but the stability factor is so good that even these obstacles will not harm you
Do – stay committed towards your work, stay committed towards your family, these are the sources of strength with you
Don’t – don’t ignore your health, that is a factor which can be the linking factor of obstacles, hence don’t ignore that
You are very inclined for changes in your life, these are being done without proper planning, even expenses can be increasing to bother you
Day special – all this requires careful planning, even in the matters of emotions and love you have to be rational in your thinking, you are trying to create a good balance between your professional and personal life
Stable period for financial prosperity, continue to have the stable thinking and focused efforts towards your career, that will give you gains
Day special - don’t create any disputes connected with money, as such it is not required as there is nothing adverse
If you wish to achieve your desires for changed situation in your professional life then you have to showcase you abilities, this is the period to do that favorably as you will be benefited with this effort
Day special – favorable ness emerges with your hard work and you will be able to do that without any problems, it is rightly said that god helps those who help themselves
Excellent period for financial prosperity, but your savings can be under threat as you are not planning properly
Do – impulsive decisions at this stage will not help, especially in money matters proper planning is required
Don’t – don’t have doubts about your loved one's, don’t link this factor with your financial gains, that is unfortunate
Career is under stress and you have to do much more to resolve those issues, psychologically also you may be under stress because of these situations
Day special – even if they are routine matters your total involvement is required to protect your interests, if you don’t do that your own image may be at risk
Very lucky period in many ways, but your expectations can be higher to give you dissatisfaction
Do – change your mindset otherwise there can be pressures, financial disputes need to be avoided
Don’t – don’t create distances with your loved one’s, hence don’t create any kind of dissatisfaction on your mind
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