17th December 2007, Vedic Astrology Forecasts, Rashi Phal
Excellent period for your overall prosperity, very lucky period to gain from your past accumulated karmas, but you are unable to decide as to what you should do, stick to what you are doing don’t push for any change at this stage
You feel that your superiors at your work place are too rigid and they don’t see your view point, that puts you under tensions, you are also firm and not willing to be flexible, your boss is also getting against you, you have to take care
Very good period for family emotions and relationships, everything is perfectly placed, but financial dissatisfactions spoil this, this dissatisfaction is not valid, although yo may have your own reasons, but at lest try to be happy
Health concerns and all kinds of pressures on you, in profession there may be disputes and losses, which need to be protected, but there is always a silver lining, your family can bring that ray of hope
Happiness from children, spouse is also supportive but you are not happy, career is strong, financial stability is ensured, hence be thankful to God for all these virtues
Very auspicious period but you have to shed your anxieties and try to be happy, these worries are not real, take care of your health, that is important
Financial pressures and disputes may be there, your efforts and positive outlook will help you immensely, your own self confidence will also protect your from these pressures, but work hard to improve your abilities
Excellent period for prosperity, it can’t be better, happiness from children is there, your prayers have been heard, that only can give such auspiciousness
Suitable period to finalize your marriage, even business partners may come forward to support you, far off linkages or travels may bother you, but auspiciousness protects you in every way
Expenses losses pressures and stress, be careful, don’t expect too much, continue to work hard and be devoted to work, that will protect you from these pressures
Extremely good period for financial gains, but routine obstacles can still cause some concerns, luck is with you and that is divine blessing, there can be ups and downs in career, that makes you tense
Business or career is stable but you are worried, loans expenses and such financial matters keep you uneasy, soon these tensions will also be removed and good times will come, have faith in God
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