26th December 2007, Vedic Astrology Forecasts, Rashi Phal
Ups and downs in involvements towards responsibilities, that is a kind of weakness, that needs to be controlled, money is important in this world, but your commitment is more important, generally you are happy in this period
Very favorable period, your positive focus is improving this goodness, but your career is now showing ups an downs, that needs to be improved, lack of trust will not help, have faith in your loved ones
Stable period for financial prosperity, obstacles are there in which you get unhappy an disillusioned, it is mixed period, look at the strengths which you have, your career is stable, then take some routine obstacles in your stride
Your self confidence is high, that will protect you in many ways, don’t let that cause differences in your marriage, these issues can cause pressures in your career also
Weak period, conflicts can lead to your own loss, work hard and show your abilities, that can protect you, your focus is only on your emotions and relationships, try to have a balance in life
Losses and expenses may bother you, even raising loans will not help you, you have to control your outflows, expenses towards home and family may be high, that can also cause uneasiness in you
You want to fulfill your dreams ups and downs of your efforts can lead to their failure, your focus is concentrated on money only, this is the effect of kaliyuga, but remember that there is more to life than money alone
Very lucky period, you ten d to lose interest I life, you star thinking that what will be achieved all this, but that is the way this game plan works, you cannot change that pattern
You will make your own destiny, thought process is the first step towards bigger achievements, then slowly convert that into reality, focused involvement will help, psychological uneasiness can spoil this focus
Health concerns, take lot of care to protect yourself, in any family dispute you are in the wrong, and your spouse is right, accept that fact, that will protect you
Stress and tensions in marriage, avoid conflicts as that can be upsetting, there can be financial loss also, keep lot of patience, a slight provocation can cause upsets in normal smooth life
Arrangement of finances needs to be done, some wasteful expenses also bother you, planets suggest that all this will be arranged, hence there is no need for tension
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