16th September 2007, Vedic Astrology Forecasts, Rashi Phal , Weekly
Luck is not favoring you, don’t take risks, it may not help, don’t try any needles changes, it may lead to loss only, you have to keep the factors of routine stress under control
In financial inflows there are obstacles, you have to depend on your savings, avoid disputes connected with money, that may lead to more problems
You wish to progress in your career, competition is tough, it is not easy, but your knowledge and efforts will give you success
Health concerns are there, but lot of protection is also there, all other areas of life are stable, don’t have any conflicts with your friends, they can be very helpful
Students can achieve with their hard work, I can see that your situation is stressful, but even in weak situations you have the ability to achieve in life, your financial position is stable
You want to gain from some properties or also your supporters, for that this period is helpful, but don’t expect too much, obstacles are also there, elders or seniors may not approve of your plans
Don’t enter into any disputes, that will lead to financial loss only, it is better to stay focused towards your career only, don’t try to be clever, it will harm you
Your expenses are high, that I why you wish to increase your financial inflows, planets are very supportive for that, your financial inflows will improve further now
Foreign linkages are strong, you must gain from that, financial outflows will increase your stress, your professional strength will take care of all these weaknesses
You want to change job to come out of stress, even travels or movement is on your mind, all this is not really required, it may not improve the circumstances, hence have patience
Very auspicious period for financial gains, your thinking is right and you are moving in the right direction, you are no able to control two things, your expenses and your conflicts/tensions
You are worried for your profession, although there is no need for those worries, you are becoming sensitive needlessly, emotional affairs are likely to give you stress only
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