2nd November 2007, Vedic Astrology Forecasts, Rashi Phal
Health concerns may come back, you have not taken care of your health and there is a setback, you wish to do so much in life but routine obstacles and issues do not let that happen, still you are well focused towards family
Your finances are strong, you are studying well to achieve so much in life, your attitude towards life is so practical tat you can further gain from these forces, God is kind and helpful in many ways, avoid family disputes
Good period for your happiness and prosperity, in this celebration you should not forget your duties, these can be towards your children or your younger siblings, generally stable period with no worries
Weak period, travels and expenses, career is weak, it has many confusions and you are uneasy, but your strength lies in your self-confidence, your focus towards spiritualism is also helpful
Excellent period of financial gains, very lucky period in many ways, don’t be too rigid, have patience, don’t enter into any conflicts, have peace of mind
Excellent financial gains, but matching expenses also, career is giving your growth and promotion, but obstacles in career will also be there, obstacles are due to conflicts caused by confusions of your own mind
Profession stable, that does not mean that every decision about career will be right, you have to b careful on that, your forcefulness can cause upsets also, financial matters need matured handling
Very lucky period in many ways, but career is weak, have lot of patience, otherwise changes can be forced upon you, you have to keep patience for another two weeks, then these problems will be resolved
Professional growth can give you foreign linkages, don’t be psychologically uneasy, it is a time to be happy, God has been kind for whatever you have achieved, confusions in emotional matters will also be resolved soon
Very auspicious period, but financial maters need to be protected, avoid conflicts connected with finances, even property matters need to be handled carefully, generally stable period with no real worries
Weak period, obstacles and upsets, your lack of trust in others causes many upsets, your own confusion of mind is the cause of weakness in emotions and relationships also, profession is stable, stay focused on that
Family happiness is available in abundance, this is time to rejoice, financial matters need to be protected from conflicts, postpone any thoughts of conflicts at this stage as it is not required
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