Consult Jyotishguru Deepak Kapoor

Personal appointments


Jyotishguru Deepak Kapoor

at Gurgaon

Call 9868463900

Sunday, June 24, 2007

24th June, Vedic Astrology forecasts, Rashi Phal, Weekly forecasts

Well being is ensured, but you are worried for health, as week progresses you may be under stress, financial stability ensured, your hard work is your strength

You wish to study at a distance, professional worries may be there during the week, stability is ensured, your continued hard work will support you

Excellent indications for gains from property, even for borrowings and family support, your well being is ensured throughout the week, control your expenses

Positive efforts for profession rewarding, some confusions form middle of week, generally auspicious period, your knowledge will improve

Very auspicious week, financial strength is the best, health issues may bother you, a lot of peace and calm is needed,, don’t be agitated

Tensions in this week, from middle of week a lot of improvement, support from family and spouse, avoid conflicts with boss, don’t take hasty decision about change of job

Tensions about expenses and movement, you are stable there is nothing to worry, have patience, financial well being will protect you in many ways

Health concerns persist during the week, that may be upsetting for profession also, don’t panic, take care of health, there is a lot of protection, have faith in God

You need funds to study at a distance, confusions of min in the middle of week, stay focused in job, financial pressures are likely

Financial support is there, gains from property indicated, take care of health, better focus needed during middle of week, your knowledge will help you in your efforts

Tensions about health and profession, but profession is stable, health needs care, health issues are more psychological than physical

Very auspicious week, financial stability, family happiness ensured, don’t let minor conflicts spoil that, take another opinion if nay health issue is there, divine blessing is with you

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